Nursery at FIR ISLAND, Burtonhole Lane

New application August 2024, reference 24/3269/FUL

Despite refusal of the previous application by both Barnet Council and the Planning Inspector on appeal, the owners of the site have made another application for a nursery school on this site.
The new plans have reduced the number of nursery places from 100 to 80 and have produced a revised design for a proposed extension to the existing building. The number of parking spaces included in the plan is now 8.

It is our view that the upheld reasons for refusal remain unresolved and it is unlikely that a nursery scheme of any scale can overcome the concerns expressed by the Inspector. The Society has written again to object to the scheme. (Click here to read the document)


The application 21/5821/FUL is for a nursery to take 100 children from 7.00 am to 7.00 pm every weekday except Saturday, Sunday and bank holdidays. The site is in the Green Belt, the Conservation Area and the existing building is locally listed. The proposal will cause the loss of six residential units. The drop-off facility for children seems too small being only for 6 cars, and the space doubles as parking for disabled and service vehicles. The plan is not to provide parking for the 38 staff who will park in the surrounding roads. The site is adjacent a busy road with noise and pollution from vehicles. The Council are planning to double-yellow-line part of The Ridgeway opposite Ridgeway Views which will displace cars parked there and make parking in other roads more prevalent. There will be loss of trees and dubious improvements to biodiversity. Turning the green verge along the eastern side of the site into a new footpath with a corresponding new pedestrian entrance opposite Ridgeway Views will cause loss of a semi-rural environemnt and further damage tree roots. The proposal does not comply with the National Planning Policy Framework and will cause harm to the Green Belt. The Child Sufficiency Assessment prepared by the Council suggests that there is sufficient child care places across the borough. Therefore the scheme does not meet any percieved need. The existence of a range of other nursery options within easy driving distance in Mill Hill, Woodside Park and Finchley that also offer year-round, full day provision (eg. Bright Little Stars, Busy Bees, Cherry Blossom Montessori, Southover in Woodside Park, Belmont Farm and more) conflicts with the Applicants claim that this nursery is unique and different from other nurseries in the area. The Society has written objecting to the proposal. The application was Refused 16th March 2022.

Later in the year the Applicant went to Appeal
which the Inspector Dismissed – 29th December 2022.