Join Us

and help us preserve what matters to YOU
Mill Hill is a special place to live…

with its suburban character surrounded by parks and green open spaces. As well as leisure, fitness and fun, these places are precious habitats for many species of flora and fauna.

However, good local amenities attract developers and the resultant intensive building is at the expense of our local envirnoment with the consequent loss of trees and wildlife, footpaths under threat, traffic problems, overcrowded development schemes with insufficient parking and additional pressure on local services and infrastructure.

What can you do? You can join MHPS!

The more members we have, the stronger our voice when we make representations to Barnet Council, the Planning Inspectorate and the GLA (Greater London Authority) regarding local planning applications.

When necessary, your membership subscriptions allow us to pay for specialist planning advice and legal counsel. We also contribute to the upkeep of Angel Pond and Sheepwash Pond in the Conservation Area.

What we do
  • MHPS scrutinises plans of developers. If possible, we work with them to improve their plans but oppose plans when they are poor.
  • MHPS strives to ensure houses and development schemes are built to a good standard with adequate amenity space.
  • With architectural, legal, engineering and environmental planning expertise amongst our volunteers and with a strong membership base, MHPS is able to put together detailed objections and mount effective local campaigns.
  • MHPS is non-political and a registered charity.
Benefits of Joining

Membership includes a programme of events including guided walks in our local area, access to landmark buildings, social events and two meetings a year with expert speakers. These meetings offer updates on local developments and the opportunity to hear and question your MP, GLA member and local councillors.

You will receive three newsletters per year, hand delivered by volunteers, full of local information plus an update in our annual report to members.

In addition, members can request our help and advice in connection with planning issues. 

Membership Rates

Adult Membership (individual)
£15 for residents of NW7
£18 for residents outside NW7

Family Membership
(2 or more individuals at the same address)
£22 for residents of NW7
£25 for residents outside NW7

Corporate Membership

Charity Membership

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a government tax relief scheme that allows registered charities to boost your donations at no extra cost to you. If you are a UK taxpayer (paying income or capital gains tax) and pay tax at least equal to the membership subscription, MHPS can reclaim an additional 25p on every £1 you pay. If this applies to you, please tick the Gift Aid box on the application form.

Privacy Policy

Click here to read our Privacy Policy.

How to Join

You can join online or by completing the postal application form and posting to us at The Studio (use the postal address on the top of the form).