Mill Hill History and other Reference Information
Here you can find Mill Hill History and various other reference information, to help you navigate, you can select from the options below, or just scroll through this page.
A Brief History
Important Buildings
Images of Mill Hill
Old Maps
Peter Collinson Heritage
Famous People
Flora & Fauna
Useful Links
A Brief History of Mill Hill
Mill Hill was once buried in an ancient forest that covered most of Middlesex, Hertfordshire & Essex. The local remains of that forest being Scratchwood, which was used up to the 1920’s and became an Open Space in 1932, and the woods at Moat Mount, where it is likely there was an Iron Age settlement c.500BC.
Until 410AD the Romans had some presence in the area – scattered evidence has been found and at Copthall parts of a minor road and artefacts were unearthed. Two Anglo Saxon charters speak of a settlement in North Hendon called Lothersley – somewhere along the Ridgeway. In 959AD ‘Mill Hill’ was owned by the Abbott of Westminster, and at Lothersley some 6 families were…
There are a number of interesting, Grade II listed buildings in Mill Hill which can be enjoyed on a short walking tour.
Famous People of Mill Hill
There are a number of well-known people, from all walks of life, who have lived in Mill Hill over the years.
A range of articles including personal reflections and snippets of local history relating to Mill Hill.
Images of Mill Hill
Current and historical images of Mill Hill can be viewed in the gallery. Click the button below to see all of the images.
Mill Hill in Old Maps
Maps are tricky things due to copyright issues and we are limited to showing what we have permission for.
Flora & Fauna
Consideration of environmental issues goes hand in hand with the examination of planning applications and the built environment
Useful Links
A collection of links that you may find useful. If you have any to add, please contact us.