Planning Matters

Mill Hill Preservation Society scrutinises planning applications submitted to Barnet Council in the NW7 area.

Where possible, MHPS looks to work with developers to improve their plans but opposes plans where they are poor. We strongly encourage residents to comment to Barnet Council on applications that matter to them.

What would you like to read more about?

Current Planning Issues
MHPS Comments
How to comment
Basement Applications
National Planning Policy Framework

Current Planning Issues

Major schemes in the area include:

MHPS Comments

These are copies of submissions that The Society has made to the planning authorities regarding specific schemes.

How to comment

This is a guide to how you can comment on planning applications. This includes information about what criteria the planners take into account when deciding the outcome of an application.

Basement Applications

Planning applications for householder basements are becoming more common. If you receive notification that your neighbour has submitted a basement application this section will give you information about what to expect and what to look out for.


Contact details for your local elected representatives. If you are particularly concerned about a planning matter, you may wish to contact your local councillor. However, recent ward boundary changes have made this more complicated as NW7 is now split into several different wards.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

The NPPF sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these should be applied. Documents are available on The most recent version of the NPPF guidelines for England is dated December 2023. However, the government has published proposed reforms to the NPPF and other changes to the planning system.

For a summary of these changes

Mill Hill Preservation Society