About Us
Mill Hill Preservation Society (MHPS) aims to protect the natural, historic and architectural features of the area. To safeguard the parks, footpaths, open spaces, Green Belt and the natural environment of Mill Hill for future generations to enjoy. To enhance the built environment by ensuring that houses and development schemes are built to a high standard with decent amenity space – issues that are often neglected due to housing targets.
To do this, MHPS scrutinises local applications examining planning, traffic and environmental issues. If possible, we work with developers to improve their plans but oppose schemes where they are poor.
With architectural, legal, engineering and environmental planning expertise amongst our volunteers and with a strong membership base, MHPS is able to put together detailed responses to plans and to mount effective local campaigns.
MHPS is non-political and is a registered charity.
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Committee & Trustees
Society History
Historical Successes
We are always looking for volunteers to deliver leaflets, to help in an advisory capacity and other activities such as pond clearance. If you can offer some help, please
Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the plus sign to expand the answer to the below question you are interested in reading more about.
Why does MHPS object to all planning applications?
It may seem like that, but we don’t. In fact, we don’t comment on all applications, nor do we object to every scheme. Those that are small or non-contentious may best be dealt with by neighbours or by a local residents’ group. We will help if a member asks for the views of the Society. We do make constructive suggestions where we can, either to Barnet Council’s planning department or to the applicants and their professional advisers. Some developers and residents ask MHPS to comment prior to making an application.
Who makes the decisions at MHPS?
Decisions are made in committee. The Management Committee is elected annually at the AGM. Our decisions are taken democratically. We are bound by our objectives as set out in our Constitution and our Rules, which are printed in the Annual Report.
Who advises MHPS?
The Management Committee includes members with expertise in planning, architecture, engineering, environmental issues, flora and fauna and the law. Our Secretary manages membership and day to day matters. Members with key skills are always welcome to join the committee. When necessary, MHPS pays for the services of professional advisers.
Does this mean my subscription will be swallowed up in paying for planning consultants and expensive barristers of the sort hired by major developers?
The Society runs on subscriptions, donations, legacies and some fundraising. We hold funds in a reserve account to deal with the costs of any large-scale planning issues. Where there are going to be heavy legal expenses, we will mount special appeals.
Funds are used to plant trees, maintain local ponds and village signs, produce newsletters and our Annual Report and put on events for our members.
Why do you object to houses being built on land that is not being used?
We object when the land is in the Green Belt, where nearly all building is against Government planning policy, so that the green spaces remain open for everyone to enjoy. When we object, it is on planning grounds, explained logically, clearly and reasonably – otherwise the arguments will not be accepted by the authorities.
… but surely a little bit of building on the Green Belt doesn’t really matter …
Not so. Think of it like this – for every new building on Mill Hill’s Green Belt land, other people will think they can nibble away a bit more and before you know it that little bit of green is gone. Our open spaces were once described as the ‘lungs of London’ and we do not want them eaten away by the cancerous growth of buildings. Now more than ever the Green Belt is of vital importance to everyone’s health and wellbeing.
What about “brownfield” sites, knocking down big semis and building flats?
Mill Hill is a green and leafy suburb where gardens play an important part. There is, however, a demand for new housing which uses land more economically. It is a dilemma. The Committee assesses each proposal on its merits. MHPS is against proposals which cram in more dwellings than seems right, which erode the character of Mill Hill and which cannot be sustained by current services, utilities and amenities. We are in favour of the best use of brownfield sites such as Millbrook Park. We argue for and encourage good design – we think Mill Hill is worth it.
All right then – what’s in it for me?
You will be making a contribution to Mill Hill. You will find it enjoyable, and you will meet like-minded friends. There will be footpath walks, a Spring and Autumn meeting with a speaker, followed by the opportunity to question your local representatives – councillors, GLA representative and MP, a quiz night and interesting newsletters to read. Try it…