(Article image: Credit Picture Plane for the render, dMFK Architects for the design)
Now Ridgeway Views
Update September 2023
Birchgrove have acquired Ayrton House, which is the re-build of the old NIMR main block. This main building will now be marketed as “retirement living” with communal facilities.
Situation March 2021:
The application 19/3208/S73 did not comply with plannng law and was withdrawn. Application 20/1893/FUL was submitted in its place and was for exactly the same accommodation. The Society objected as we had for the previous application but the scheme obtained planning permission in November 2020. Subsequent to this, application 20/6271/FUL was submitted for alterations to the proposed Cafe and the Gym, with the omission of the office space being replaced with 16 additonal flats. The Society has objected to this proposal as we do not wish to see a further increase in density at the expense of the loss employment space.
The application was Approved (subject to conditions) 8th June 2021.
Situation July 2019:
A new application has recently been made ref 19/3208/S73 to add 52 additional homes to the scheme. These will be within the existing structure and the space will be found by rejigging the flat sizes and losing some 3 bedroom flats. There will be the same proportion of Affordable Housing spaces as the approved scheme and the parking provision will be in proportion as well. There will be no additional buildings, but some of the blocks will have windows and balconies in different places. There will be no additional overlooking to Burtonhole Lane. Our main concerns related to the cruciform building and changes have been made to the design so that the original award winning scheme is respected. So far the Mayor and the Local Authority have been consulted and it looks as though this application will succeed.
The Original proposals:
Redevelopment of the site was to provide 460 new residential units following demolition of all existing buildings. New residential accommodation to consist of 448 self-contained flats within 19 blocks ranging from three to nine storeys with basement car parking levels and 12 two storey houses with lower ground floor levels. Associated car and cycle parking spaces to be provided. Provision of new office (B1a) and leisure (D2) floorspace and a new publicly accessible café (A3). Reconfiguration of the site access and internal road arrangements and provision of new publicly accessible outdoor amenity space. New associated refuse and recycling arrangements.
The application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement. [Amended description] | National Institute For Medical Research The Ridgeway London NW7 1AA: Application 16/4545/FUL
Some time ago now the Society attended a meeting at the NIMR on The Ridgeway to discuss the programme for the move to The Francis Crick Institute in St Pancras. The NIMR building was to be vacated by Autumn 2016 – but the process has been stretched out. MHPS was involved in the architectural design competition to replace the main cruciform building and supported the winning design by De Metz Forbes Knight architects for a reconstruction that reflected key design elements in the original building, including a green roof.
However, the wider scheme suffers because the car parking, which whilst meeting the London Plan, does not really provide enough parking for the environs of Mill Hill. Furthermore, the other buildings seem somewhat unrelated to the character of the Conservation Area in which the site is located. Views from the Totteridge Valley are contentious as the new buildings will be more prominent above the tree line. The scheme was turned down at the council planning meeting on the 22nd February 2017 and we await the outcome of this.
The Mayor has called this scheme in, and is acting as the Planning Authority. We understand that it is not likely that the building designs will change, but that the level of parking provision may be reduced. The scheme was considered formally in October 2017 and has now been approved with more trees but less car parking. Demolition started in March 2018 and the works are underway. If you wanted a good view of the Totteridge Valley from The Ridgeway this was a good time to see it with the old buildings taken down.

There have been many applications related to this development concerning minor amendments, reduction in office space, changes to the gym and cafe, additional balconies, landscaping, play equipment, lighting, parking and so forth. However, the scheme remains generally as the one approved.