Outline application for the comprehensive redevelopment of the site for residential led mixed use development involving the demolition of all existing buildings (excluding the former officers mess) and ground re-profiling works, to provide 2,174 dwellings, a primary school, GP Surgery, 1,100sqm of ‘High Street’ (A1/2/3/4/5) uses, 3,470sqm of employment (B1) uses, a district energy centre (Sui Generis) and associated open space, means of access, car parking and infrastructure (with all matters reserved other than access). Full application for the change of use of former officers’ mess to residential (C3) and health (D1) uses.Application H/04017/09
Outline Planning permission was granted on 22nd September 2011, for the proposed development of the Inglis Barracks site located in Mill Hill East. The scheme is divided into various phases and the status of each phase is shown below:
Outline Planning for Master Plan Granted – 22nd September 2011 – H/04017/09
Phase 6B
15/06417/OUT – Outline Planning Permission Granted – 13th May 2016
18/6640/FUL – Application for 87 flats was refused – 23rd July 2019: Appeal was lodged and Allowed Juy 2019
19/5827/FUL – Futher application for 82 flats made – 30th October 2019 and Approved
NB: There are considerable issues with this scheme overlooking the adjacent Scout campsite.
Beacause of the proposed very large car-park basement on the boundary line, many trees screening the Scout site are likeley to be lost. The outline planning permission granted did not have these issues.