GAS PEAKING PLANT: Land adjacent to the National Grid Sub-station, Partingdale Lane
Installation of a gas peak power facility generating up to 49.9MW of electricity including Electrical Transformer Units; Electrical Sub-Station; Gas Kiosk; Oil Storage Tanks; Compressed Air Building; Associated works and provision of parking bays and security fencing and lighting; Application number 19/6641/FUL on the LBB planning portal.
The Applicant has not provided visuals as to how it will look. The image below is not exactly what the installation will look like, (probably blacker and dirtier) but is our best attempt and it does give a good idea of the general engineering feel and scale – and don’t forget there will be two of these: (The flues are not right here as they will combine into one chimney 11 metres high.) The image is taken from the sales brochure of Clarke Engineering India Pvt. Ltd.
This application falls within the Green Belt next to a footpath and is within the Mill Hill Substation pastures SINC which is of Metropolitan importance. The plant is massive with 11m high chimney to collect the products of combustion.There will be noise pollution as well as air pollution. This proposal is also close to the Millbrook Park residential development, as well as other long established local dwellings. MHPS have objected to the proposal for the following reasons:
1. Harm to the Green Belt and its openness
2. The development conflicts with the purposes of the Green Belt
3. The application does not comply with Council Policy DM15 – Green Belt and open spaces
4. The application does not demonstrate ‘very special circumstances’
5. The proposal does not meet the Mayor’s policies on climate change and wildlife habitat
6. Air pollution data is inaccurate and its impact significantly greater emissions
7. Lack of meaningful landscaping
MHPS are pleased to report that the application was Withdrawn 26th April 2021.