New application August 2024, reference 24/3269/FUL Despite refusal of the previous application by both Barnet Council...
Hasmonean Schools, Copthall
Update August / September 2024 In July 2024, the applicant submitted revised documents under the original application...
National Institute of Medical Research. Now Ridgeway Views
(Article image: Credit Picture Plane for the render, dMFK Architects for the design) Now Ridgeway...
IBSA House
IBSA House, The Ridgeway Employment Proposal December 2020 This application is number 21/0332/FUL and involves...
Former Watch Tower House & Kingdom Hall Sites, The Ridgeway
The Ridgeway London NW7 1RS. Application 22/0649/FUL The scheme comprises the demolition of existing buildings and...
Pentavia Retail Park 2021
Scheme for AMAZON distribution centre In December 2020 Application 20/5933/FUL was made for a storage and distribution...
Cemetery off Milespit Hill
New access road and car parking facilities with maintenance shed, Barnet Cemetery And Memorial Gardens, Milespit...
Mill Hill Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
MILL HILL BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM (BESS):Land adjacent to the National Grid Sub-station, Partingdale Lane...
Gas Peaking Plant
GAS PEAKING PLANT: Land adjacent to the National Grid Sub-station, Partingdale Lane Installation of a gas peak power...
St Vincent’s School
Improvements to the school grounds to create level areas to be used for outdoor sports, growing fruit and vegetables,...
Belmont Children’s Farm
It’s many years since the establishment opened - and during this period we have made objections to the Council,...
Mill Hill East – Millbrook Park
Outline application for the comprehensive redevelopment of the site for residential led mixed use development...